Our Services


Life Insurance

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Disability Insurance

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Long Term Care Insurance

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Life Insurance

A popular misconception about life insurance planning, is that it’s something to do with ensuring others (your policy beneficiaries) enjoy the fruits of your insurance once you’ve passed. While that is just one aspect of planning for the inevitable, if executed properly, life insurance planning can offer multiple benefits – even as you live to enjoy them!

Disability Insurance

The ability to work and earn a living is likely your most important asset! Disability insurance offers valuable protection to individuals and businesses alike, safeguarding against the financial challenges that can arise due to an inability to work. Many group insurance plans offered by employers have limitations and they often do not provide coverage for all potential scenarios. Some of the different DI strategies we specialize in include: income replacement, business overhead expense, business loan protection, disability buyout, etc…

Long Term Care Insurance

This is a crucial tool for retirees to maintain financial independence, preserve their savings/investments, and confidently embrace the retirement they deserve. LTC Insurance provides vital financial protection and peace of mind when facing the increasing costs of long term care services. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources, about 70% of individuals over 65 will require some form of long-term care, making the financial protection provided by LTC insurance a crucial component in maintaining their quality of life.


Not everyone of us is equally prepared for retirement. While some of us are fortunate to have built a nest egg that will last us through our Golden Years, others will depend on government programs for retirement income. Regardless of which side of this divide you are on, Annuities can be a powerful vehicle to help you fund your retirement dreams.